How to Journal Guide

Maybe you have tried journaling before and it “just didn’t work for you”. 

Maybe you skipped the most important first step. 

Deciding your journaling type, style, place, and time.

This guide will help you:

Choose the right type of journal for you

Set up your perfect place and time for journaling

Decide on your journaling intentions

Develop your journaling habits

Establish your why to keep you on track

Why you need this guide
" You grow through what you go through".

You have to decide your own journaling style before trying to copy what someone else is doing.

Anyone can journal and each person will have their style, rhythm, and results that are best for them and their season in life.

Whatever path you are currently on, journaling can help you discover what you truly want and how to achieve those desires.

You will be asking yourself, "Why"? a lot!  The deeper you dig for answers, the more meaningful your journaling becomes.

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How to Journal Guide That Suits You 30 page
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  • Total payment
  • 1xHow to Journal Guide$18

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